Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Quasimodo (Was: Re: LADSPA GUI)
From: Jim Coker (
Date: la maalis 11 2000 - 14:22:10 EST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
[big snip]
> >encode 2 and 3a in a standardized
> >XML data structure rather than a
> >scripting language.
> step 2 *has* to be scripting language. It needs to contain conditional
> control flow statements, parameters etc. Or am I missing something
> here ?
I would agree that this should be a scripting language. If
I've read posts Paul's correctly, that's why he is interested
in having a Java parser: so that one can have a programming
language to build larger structures out of opcodes,
and then have the result be an easy-to-work-with module.
This is a paradigm that can be confusing to new users, but
is extremely useful for building repetitive processing
structures such as filterbanks, reverberators,
multi-channel processing, etc. For instance, in the Csound-based
mixer example, a scripting language would allow you to have a
mixer-generator function that would take the number of input
channels and the number of busses to pan across, and return
an mixing structure that another function could add to another
opcode structure, or wrap into a module.
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