Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MIDI-controllers?
From: Frank van de Pol (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 14:17:41 EST
On Wed, Mar 15, 2000 at 12:00:50AM +0200, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Hello.
> What would be involved for making own MIDI-controller?
> I know there are reasonable commercial MIDI-controllers but
> they are always missing something.
> Can such system be build on a "vero"-board (a board with metal strips
> with full of holes) or is a special board needed?
What are you thinking off? Some stand-alone box that has some
buttons/knobs/faders that emit midi messages (phatboy like), or something
that you can hang off your computer
One of the things that might be interesting is:
- connect faders and buttons to a PC joystick port, and emit midi or
(alsa) sequencer events (low budget)
- same as above, but use some AD card so you can use more controls
- use a microcontroller instead of pc (harder to debug, unless availability
of $$$ tools.)
it all depends how many controls you need, and if a pc requirement is
-- +---- --- -- - - - - |Frank van de Pol -o) | /\\ | _\_v |Linux - Why use Windows, since there is a door? | |ALSA Sequencer:
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