Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] again: debian tasks for audio needs
From: Junichi Uekawa (
Date: Sun Oct 01 2000 - 09:55:44 EEST
In Sat, 30 Sep 2000 23:40:43 +0200, de profundis Jörn Nettingsmeier <> cum veritate scripsit
nettings> i'm just having another go at the LAD pages, and i wanted to
nettings> summarize the state of the distro discussion. while i have a nice
nettings> url for the m-station project, i cannot think of a place where
nettings> potential debian-audio contributors should be directed.
Hmmm.. Yes. I am in the process of becoming a debian maintainer
(hopefully), and when I get around to becoming one, I am wishing to
package some music software for Debian. I want more information around
So far I haven't had much luck in packaging music software. I made
.deb out of Gseq, but it's gone quiet. I tried MusE, but can't compile
it against Qt 2.2 very easily ... etc.
nettings> i thought i heard talk of a debian multimedia list, but i can't find
nettings> the message any more.
nettings> can someone post me the list address, if it exists at all ?
nettings> is anyone willing to organize the debian audio effort ?
It's been filed as a "bug" by Guenter Geiger. It can be found at
in bug number #724927
AFAIK it's not been created yet.
-- University: Netfort: dancer, a.k.a. Junichi Uekawa Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, Doshisha University. ... Long Live Free Software, LIBERTAS OMNI VINCIT.
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