Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] float a/d (was Linux support for IEEE1394 mLAN?)
From: Jussi Laako (
Date: Mon Oct 02 2000 - 23:20:05 EEST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> i don't believe that 64 bit floats are necessary, but i also don't
> believe that they are a problem either. i think that karl did a pretty
> good job of explaining why this stuff about "resolution loss" is
> relatively bogus.
The biggest problem I've been dealing with when using generic computers for
signal processing is memory bandwidth. It's the major limiting factor. DSP
speed halves when moving from single to double precision FP...
I can get around 400 MB/sec from PC and 2.5 GB/sec from Alpha (DS20 & ES40).
- Jussi Laako
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