Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] float a/d (was Linux support for IEEE1394 mLAN?)
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 20:15:18 EEST
>Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
>> i don't believe that 64 bit floats are necessary, but i also don't
>> believe that they are a problem either. i think that karl did a pretty
>> good job of explaining why this stuff about "resolution loss" is
>> relatively bogus.
>The biggest problem I've been dealing with when using generic computers for
>signal processing is memory bandwidth. It's the major limiting factor. DSP
>speed halves when moving from single to double precision FP...
>I can get around 400 MB/sec from PC and 2.5 GB/sec from Alpha (DS20 & ES40).
for off-line processing, this might be an issue. however, for
real-time applications, its not the critical limitation. and from my
perspective, real-time work is by far the more interesting area.
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