Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Distributed audio processing
From: David Olofson (
Date: Thu Oct 19 2000 - 06:13:47 EEST
On Fri, 06 Oct 2000, Ellis Breen wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ellis Breen <>
> To: Benno Senoner <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 11:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Distributed audio processing
> > (5msec "guaranteed" would be ideal, since it would allow us to run
> > a MIDI synthesis engine on a beowulf cluster)
> > :-)
> I was thinking along similar lines actually, when I said "not the most
> efficient", but my Slashdottian disdain kept me from mentioning Beo
> clusters.
> Obviously stacking streaming protocols on top of TCP/IP is suboptimal
> (certainly nowhere near saturating our QoS requirements for networking over
> modems) but I meant also that the total computational load
> could be much more fairly spread. IIRC Beowulf clusters (apart from being
> big scary things) require competing QoS standards, but there are certainly
> big performance gains to be had from treating the network as a macroscopic
> parallel computer. Maybe a functional programming paradigm (e.g. Parallel
> Haskell) would be well-suited to the task. Perhaps you could employ some
> neural
> network style ideas to optimise performance with a scalable worst-case
> overhead but I digress...
The resulting code is basically what you get with a plugin based
system and some additional rules added to the plugin net builder,
only it's probably a lot easier to get there with the latter model.
.- M u C o S -------------------------. .- David Olofson --------.
| A Free/Open Source | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
| for | | Open Source Advocate |
| Professional and Consumer | | Singer |
| Multimedia | | Songwriter |
`-----> -' `---> -'
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