Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] [ ardour news ] ardour now using an EDL
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 04:50:22 EEST
>Almost makes me wish I could code. I do have about 1000 hours of direct
>experience using edl based software, so I probably have some useful
>insights, but I don't know how to target them.
keep in mind that I see an EDL is a *mechanism*, and should generally
be invisible to a user. The UI questions are what kind of editing
operations and idioms involving marks, selections and so on should
exist. To help answer these questions, I'm tending to use my demos of
various multichannel editors for Windows along with the EM survey of
such beasts that was published a few months back.
>Is this based on any "standards" such as aes31-3 or open tl? Open tl is
Nope. At some point, I'll look into that (thanks for the URL). Right
now, I have a studio partner who is wondering why the f*ck we don't
just buy a Mac and run some commercial software. My priority is to
build a basic 32bit multichannel editor into ardour (*) with roughly the
capabilities of sweep in the fastest possible time. Major priorities
are insert/delete/replace operations, since most DSP will be done (for
a while) on our studio D8B, but "LADSPA-batch" (whatever the hell that
is!) and VST will arrive later, rather than sooner :)
(*) current status: libgtkwaveform hacked to support this, ardour's
recorder window now shows waveform displays for every channel,
etc. some bugs in the EDL library have developed as I optimized
it, and i need to fix a problem with handling non-interleaved data
streams in libgtkwaveform. its looking pretty great. remember, i
already have the playback mechanism, the record mechanism, the
display mechanism, the edit mechanism: all thats really left
(after the minor bugs) is some grunt GUI work (famous last words :)
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