Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] extending LADSPA
From: Conrad Parker (conradp_AT_cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
Date: Wed Oct 25 2000 - 08:23:21 EEST
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 11:02:07AM -0400, douglas irving repetto wrote:
> so i'll stop whining and make a proposal. it seems that the simplest way
> to extend the API is to add hints. i'm specifically interested in
> knowing how many frames (samples/channels) a user has selected, or how
> many frames the host will be passing to me alltogether to process. so:
> a plugin would also set the LADSPA_HINT_BOUNDED_ABOVE bit.
just knowing the total number of frames is not enough -- for these
types of plugins (think of "reverse") you need to know the last data
values before you can start outputting the first, so breaking up a
big chunk of processing into smaller blocks isn't going to work. You
can't feed reverse only the first 200 frames of a 1000 frame chunk and
expect it to give you the last 200 frames (which it hasn't seen
yet), reversed, after calling run().
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