Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Extending LADSPA to support Non-Causal Plugins
From: Conrad Parker (conradp_AT_cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 13:50:47 EET
On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 11:52:59AM +0200, Jarno Seppanen wrote:
> "Richard W.E. Furse" <> writes:
> > Non-causal is a signal processing term, but I do agree it isn't terribly
> > intuitive or especially well-defined. I'm very open to suggestions!
> IMHO causality is a well-defined and very nonambiguous property -- if you do
> signal processing that is. From Oppenheim, Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal
> Processing, 1989, p. 20: "a system is causal if for every choice of $n_0$ the
> output sequence value at index $n = n_0$ depends only on the input sequence
> values for $n \leq n_0$." ... "That is, the system is nonanticipative."
> For example, according to the definition, the reverse operation is not
> causal, since there exist output values at $n = n_0$ that depend on input
> values at $n > n_0$.
> However, not being a native speaker I don't know of the connotations of the word.
sounds good to me: causalilty is all about things not being
influenced by stuff that hasn't happened yet. Let's not get
philosophical though ;)
as a general principle for this kind of thing in LADSPA, I think
we're best off defining things in terms that signal processing
people [and musicians] will understand, given that the vast
majority of users of the API *should be* people writing plugins,
not people writing hosts -- so it would be nice to make it Simple
for them. [says he who most recently wrote yet another LADSPA
host ;) ]
given the confusion about this term, if this stuff goes in then the
header should probably mention the definition from Oppenheim et al.,
which makes the meaning quite clear.
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