Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Report from the ICMC
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 14:29:43 EEST
Hello LAD!
I just returned from holidays and the ICMC in Berlin.
There has been quite some linux activity on the ICMC,
which you might find interesting.
The ICMC, International Computer Music Conference, is
a yearly organised event for music software developers,
mainly academic, and computer music composers.
Traditionally, UNIX has had a very firm place in this
world, and obviously, this has now almost completely
migrated to Linux. A quick estimation, Macintosh, UNIX
(mainly Linux) and Windows were more or less equally
present. No BeOS.
I noted a lot of activity around jMax (and MAX), and
Francois Dechele and Norbert Schnell called for a
brief, informal, jMax users meeting. After this ICMC
I am even more convinced than I already was, that
jMax will play a very significant role in the
acceptance as Linux as a audio workstation platform.
During this jMax meeting, several issues of general
interest were discussed. Maybe Francois can talk about
these himself?
Also worth mentioning is the presentation of SuperCollider
version 3, by James McCartney. SuperCollider was mentioned
and used in several presentations, and seems to have a
pretty impressive userbase. James gave a talk about
SuperCollider, and mentioned that the rewritten C++
synthesis engine could be ported to Linux with not to many
difficulties. This would be really good for all of us.
Other Linux applications that were somehow present at the
conference (from quickly going through the keyword index
and table of contents:
Csound (software synthesis)
Elody (composition environment)
PD (modular synthesis with GUI)
PSOLA (additive synthesis)
RTCmix (software synthesis)
SAOL (software synthesis)
some SDIF related things (sound description interchange file format,
graphical representation)
SMS (analysis/synthesis tools, realtime singing voice impersonator)
Synthesis Toolkit [Stk] (software synthesis)
CurvePainter (composition tool)
GUIDO (notation)
Open Sound World (software synthesis)
Aulos (physical modeling)
PAWN (linux audio workstation)
Also worth mentioning is that there seems to be some
consensus on the use of XML.
Besides me, some other Linux-Audio-Dev members were
present, so maybe they can give additions and comments?
I probably forgot a lot of things worth mentioning, and
also I did not attend all presentations by far...
A last observation: for future conferences, we'll need LAD
t-shirts or caps, so we can easily recognize eachother :-)
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