Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [CUD] Csound & ALSA support: a call for assistance
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 15:18:53 EEST
On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Markus Gruber wrote:
> Is the CPU working at 100% ??
I'll check that.
[re: Csound buffer settings]
> Hm, that does not help anything in stream mode. What you can try is to edit
> the time in the udelay() calls (in the code).
Okay, I'll look at that too.
I ran tests with the reverb, nreverb, flanger, and delay opcodes. The
flanger didn't work at all: anyone have a working flanger orc/sco I could
peruse ?
The reverbs worked okay, but artifacts abound, and as you said, the buffer
settings made no difference. The delay worked beautifully, with no audio
artifacts. Perhaps the reverb opcodes aren't very good ??
Btw, it appears that we can have the ALSA driver or OSS-RTAUDIO but not
both. I compiled using both options, and the test files defaulted to the
OSS i/o even with incard/outcard (adc/dac).
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
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