Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Reverbs
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 17:29:23 EEST
>Hans Mikelson's reverb.orc (but NOT the gardverb.orc) from
[ ... ]
I have not tested Gardner's reverbs myself but I'm surprised to hear
if they sound bad. Well, I'll give a report when I have implemented them
(small, mid, large versions in his thesis). I have got an impression
that Gardner worked for Lexicon at the time...
>Freeverb is fast and sounds *very* nice. I wish somebody would
>figure out how to hack freeverb into a csound opcode. I tried but
>had to face the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. I'm amazed
>that I got an opcode that actually runs - but it didn't sound
>anything like the ladspa freeverb!
>If anyone wants to give it a try, you can see my crude attempts at
The freeverb binary Ladspa release sounded ok, but when I reimplemented
it and close-listened, it didn't sound that good. Or my implementation
is not exactly the same (plus/minus 1 sample in delay line lengths?).
If you can easily make an impulse response of the late reverberation
only (no direct sound), please do put the response available at your page.
Impulse response is got by feeding an audiofile with one sample having
value 1 and all others having value 0. You should use stereo impulse
because Freeverb is stereo, and don't forget report the parameters
so that I may duplicate the setup.
Hey, it could be that Freeverb is not that good for my golden reverb ears!
Lets verify that.
I have now written a simple parser for my reverb, and already thought
to release one version. But but... I planned the first release to be
quite simple -- just one not of the best quality reverb algorithm.
Now it looks like such simple reverb is not appreciated very much.
What to do? I have also a binaural multitap delay which I could include
to the package.
I have also written Smith's waveguide reverb but it is patented.
Because it is already released I guess it doesn't make harm if I too
release one...
My reverb system has nothing to with Csound opcodes, by the way, but
little birds have told me that you will soon have one very good reverb
as a Csound opcode. Its implementation can be a realtime even its present
implementation is not. The same algorithm is used in a few commercial
plug-in reverbs.
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