Subject: [linux-audio-dev] alsa oss emulation and realplayer 7.0
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 04:31:31 EEST
sometimes, when i try to use realplayer 7.0 with ALSA oss emulation,
it puts my Trident 4D-NX card into a messed up state in which even
native ALSA apps (e.g. aplay) will not work (they hang on an ioctl,
though i haven't tracked down which one). removing the ALSA modules
and reinstalling them (presumably, reinitializing the trident h/w)
fixes the problem.
but its funny: yesterday, i listened for 15mins to what was probably
an 8 bit stream from National Public Radio - no problems. today, i was
listening to, and after a few seconds of actual
playback, it predictably failed very time (i tried 4 times).
if anyone has seen this behaviour, or has any ideas (!), let me know.
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