Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] EVO 0.0.5 released , resampling (interpolation) support added
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 20:02:12 EEST
>Basically what he is doing is using fixed point math:
>interpreting a part of the 32 word as integer part,
>and the other as fractional part.
>I've thought about this , but in EVO's case we have to
>deal with samples up to 2GB, that means we need the full
>32bit for the integer part.
why only 2GB ?
>I'll try both custom FP asm (rounding and then check if
i don't think you need asm to do this, and in fact, asm is not
portable. you want to check out the _FPU_SETCW macro. it can do what
you want in a portable way, i believe.
>It really pays off to optimize that small code section,
>because it's in the innermost loop, thus making a significant
>difference in the number of voices you can achieve.
sure. like i said, ed hall's optimizations racked up incredible
performance gains on the x86. note, however, that it made not much
difference on a MIPS system.
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