Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stream buffering on EVO & pitchbend .... opinions ?
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 20:30:31 EEST wrote:
> Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> > right, but the slide only needs to go as far as the next pre-existing
> > note. then you stop computing a bend on the previous note, and start
> > using the new one. and so on.
> But how would you implement this? It's fine when everything's in RAM,
> but here we are 3.14 seconds into D3 and all of a sudden we start a
> portamento up, so we need 3.14 seconds into D#3. Seems you'd have to
> stream samples above and below the one you're playing, three times the
> bandwidth. (Or you could limit portamento rate so the time to go a
> semitone is always long enough to fetch what you need off disk, but...)
On second thought, maybe we're assuming that every sample has a legato
entry point, which we've got prefetched in RAM, and it's just as good
to fade over to that point as to the actual time-aligned point.
Portamento mostly only makes sense for sustainable (probably ==looped)
instruments anyway.
-- Eli Brandt | |
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