Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] disk i/o latency
From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 09:51:25 EEST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> >There's been an [entirely non thought-out] idea buzzing around in my head
> >as to whether some sort of API/ioctl should be added, possilibly to the
> >kernel, whereby it can be informed of the rate at which the Application
> >is going to "eat" the data, and thereby doing some sort of inteligent
> >cacheing to make sure that the data is going to already be in RAM by the
> >next time we do a "read()" on that particular stream/file.
> there are years of CS work on this stuff. search for "bandwidth
> reservation" in the literature. its mostly associated with
> video-on-demand. there are many schemes, mostly implemented by grad
> students in various contexts. i imagine a few of them are deployed in
> real life systems by now.
SGI's XFS supports bandwidth guarantees. I think it supports
reservation, however I can't seem to find the right URL right now. I
wonder how much of this made it across from IRIX-land.
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