Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] discussion about development overlap
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 15:58:47 EEST
>From: Kai Vehmanen <>
>> I remember that either CoolEdit or Soundforge use so-called "peak files"
>> (extension .pk) that get created the first time you load a file; of course
>As a huge SoundForge fan, this was one the first features I
>implemented in ecawave. I didn't give it much thought (simple-and-stupid),
>but it works and makes life a lot easier when editing large files.
Yep, but I were looking for "reusable". Does it care if the system has or
not has an EDL system? Or something else advanced? I mean that if I should
modify the code even slightest amount, it would be easier to design
a more "reusable" system myself.
>>> -Routines for drawing the waveform --- when necessary, the overview data
>> There is enough free software out there which should show good ways to draw
>> waveforms; e.g. snd (5 different display methods, and intelligent redraw
>> depending on zoom depth; I like that feature a lot) or sweep
>And don't forget gtk+ waveform library (check freshmeat).
Thanks for the hints. I will take a look.
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