Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Mustajuuri -> LADSPA plugins.
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 15:04:33 EEST
In message <01033121214106.01408_AT_qooick.hs>you write:
>On Friday 30 March 2001 00:06, Steve Harris wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 03:35:35PM +0200, Stefan Kersten wrote:
>> > Sorry for replying twice, but an afterthought: Is it possible to
>> > dynamically change the number of control ports in LADSPA? E.g. if
>> > you have a 32 band graphical EQ and want to make it use 64 bands,
>> > would you have to create a new plugin instance with the
>> > appropriate parameters? Or would you have to write a separate
>> > plugin?
>> I think you have to provide a seperate plugin, although this can
>> exist in the same file.
>How is that possible without a custom object file loader? How do I
>load a plugin from a shared library that wants to drag in some
>toolkit that I don't have installed?
the context of the question had nothing to do with GUI's. it was to do
with the question of plugins with dynamically varying numbers of
control ports. i think we've already clarified that GUI's don't live
in the same file as the "dsp" part of the plugin.
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