Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] file systems
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Tue Apr 03 2001 - 22:32:25 EEST
ljp wrote:
> Anybody have experience with reiserfs & recording audio? Have you
> experienced any problems? Is there any speed benefits for/against using
> reiserfs for audio?
i have reiser on one partition and have seen no problems reading or
writing audio files.
however, there *are* some pitfalls.
the general rule for reiserfs could be:
it's ok as long it's a local disk, no quotas and no ugly
applications like large mail spoolers.
with quota, nfs export and stuff like qmail, things can get hairy,
but most issues are sorted out by now (although some are not in the
main kernel, especially the nfs tweaks).
my advice is: join the reiserfs-list and keep up with the latest
kernels. and get the latest reiserfsprogs.
all in all, reiserfs has been behaving very well for me, and it
recovered gracefully from a number of kernel crashes of the
don't-even-think-about-trying-remote-shutdown-or-warm-reboot type.
> I ask this because occasionally when I am developing this audio app, I find
> strangeness with reiserfs, I think. If I do many reads/ writes and deletes,
> I have found audio in my files that were not recorded at that time- bits
> from an earlier and deleted recording file. Like it is not completely
> overwriting the deleted file. And was wondering if it is just me, my app,
> or reiserfs.
> ljp
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier home://Kurfürstenstr.49.45138.Essen.Germany phone://+49.201.491621
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