Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Plugin GUIs
From: David Olofson (
Date: Sun Mar 25 2001 - 22:57:05 EEST
On Sunday 25 March 2001 19:21, Paul Davis wrote:
> >I don't think so, but I'm not sure GTK+ is the right tool for the
> > job if we don't want GTK+ look and feel anyway. There are simpler
> > toolkits that are *much* faster - and if we aren't going to use
> > standard widgets and GTK+ rendering engines anyway, why drag all
> > that in?
> The point is, IMHO, to avoid toolkit wars for things with simple
> GUI requirements. [...]
Couldn't agree more; I was just worried and confused by all this talk
about the GTK+ layout engine... I certainly hope we're not heading
towards a dependency on something like that.
> >I'm worried about the overhead - GTK+ feels sluggish on all but
> > the fastest of my machines... Is a G400 MAX video card really
> > supposed to be a reasonable low end requirement!?
> use gdb, and take a look at the call trace of a gtk program. you'll
> find very little extra overhead compared to Xlib other than an
> extra 10-20 (low-cost) function calls on the stack during a typical
> event handler. there are lots of people who seem to think that GTK
> does a whole bunch of extra stuff without you asking for it. its
> not true.
> are you sure you're not complaining about GNOME?
I'm not using Gnome... :-)
(I think) I'm complaining about the rendering engines. The simplest
ones (no pixmaps, no gradients) are ok, but not fast, compared to
some of the other X based toolkits.
> keep in mind that people are now beginning to
> experiment with GtkFB (which uses the linux framebuffer device and
> not X) in embedded devices - no G400 cards there. it works fine.
Yeah, that looks interesting. I first heard about it on the SDL list;
there's interest in porting it to SDL, which would make it a *lot*
more portable than both the X and fbdev versions. It would also make
it possible to use GTK+ integrated right into the direct rendering
game displays, which is the main reason why the SDL folks are
interested in it.
.- M A I A -------------------------------------------------.
| Multimedia Application Integration Architecture |
| A Free/Open Source Plugin API for Professional Multimedia |
`----------------------> -'
.- David Olofson -------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker - Open Source Advocate - Singer - Songwriter |
`--------------------------------------> -'
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