Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] file systems
From: lpotter (
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 23:06:58 EEST
At 11:32 4/4/2001 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >SOOO cool to have the 428 working on linux, and be able to hook it up to
> >control the project I've taken over->
> >
>with absolute and maximum respect:
>given that both KDE and GNOME really have absolutely nothing to do
>with audio applications, is there a good reason to put so much effort
>into *another* C++ hard disk recorder when ardour is already capable
>of doing so much ? ardour could always use more developers ... i'm not
>against diversity by any means, but it sometimes seems a little
>bizarre, when i've spent the last year solving problems that haven't
>been solved before under Linux (at least not in open source form), to
>see someone else destined to repeat it all over again.
I have looked at the source to ardour. I haven't compiled it yet, but
looked at the source to glean what I could.
It looks complicated.
Thing is, to jump into such a project (and not make an arse of myself)
would mean that I would have to understand whats going on in the code.
Which would mean hours of me learning your classes and such. KHDrec was
dying from lack of input, and with only a few classes was fairly easy to
understand and port to kde2. (this being my first audio app) The author
last released code in 1999. I like KHDRec's mixer gui, and it happens to be
built on QT. I plan on (hopefullly) adding midi control for the Tascam 428,
( if and when I can get a USB driver written and working for it).
But I will take another look at ardour., and perhaps I could learn whats
going on in there, enough to add some competent code.
Once I get KHDRec2 at least working again ( to my preferences), I want to
start the USB driver, cause the Tascam 428 (with 24 bit capabilities) is
just SO cool. Perhaps I could make the 428's functions into a shared lib,
or (if and when) I could add it to ardour.
One question. Does ardour allocate the tracks first, or can one record on
the fly? KHDRec2 allocates first and I found that extremely limiting.
I'll check ardour out tonight....
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