Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] GUI-free ardour
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sat Apr 07 2001 - 21:36:56 EEST
>Btw. do you have plans to implement support for USB controller pads/audio
>systems? It would be great to have taperecorder-style physical controller
Ardour supports MIDI Machine Control. I don't anticipate supporting
any other protocols for remote control surfaces until there is some
sense that they are "standards".
If someone wants to wrap a driver or user-level interpreter of an
external control surface in an MMC-generating layer, that would be a
great idea. But Ardour is going to stick with standard ways of
communicating such things rather than adding a module for this device
and that device. MMC was specifically designed for this purpose. I
could imagine supporting OSC as well, since it also fits the need
rather well.
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