Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA extension mechanisms
From: Jim Peters (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 14:56:02 EEST
Kai Vehmanen wrote:
> No worry about that, LAD is quite a relaxed forum. :)
Thanks for filling me in with all this information on the history of
LAD and LADSPA - I understand better what is going on now. I *had*
noticed how people treat one another a little more respectfully around
> This is also why LADSPA is such an important thing for us. To this day, it
> is the only really succesful group effort here on LAD. And believe me, the
> discussions that led to the current ladspa.h were not easy. If we had
> continued to discuss all the various "advanced" features, I think we'd
> still be arguing... (ie. no LADSPA).
Yes, I agree - an excess of features has bogged down many of my own
> Most LAD people are committed to their own projects, and are here
> mainly for general audio/linux/sw-design discussions.
Cool - I'll fit in with that, develop my own stuff, and see how it can
be integrated with other approaches as things move on.
Cheers -
-- Jim Peters / __ | \ Aguazul / /| /| )| /| / )|| \ jim_AT_aguazul. \ (_|(_|(_|(_| )(_|I / www.aguazul. \ ._) _/ /
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