Subject: [linux-audio-dev] GLAME 0.4.0beta released.
From: Richard Guenther (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 18:35:50 EEST
GLAME 0.4.0beta was released today, we expect the final 0.4 release
to appear within two month. The most prominent (and visible) change
from 0.2.0 is the totally rewritten and extended GUI.
Current status is:
- usable GUI
- usable console UI
- documentation
- the glame midlayer which supports
* plugins, LADSPA support
* scripting (using guile)
* hierarchical organization and processing of wave data
- the filternetwork backend which supports
* threading, i.e. pipelined processing of all data
* feedback inside the network does work
* zero-copy operation inside and between filters
- the swapfile backing store
- lots of minor tools you can make use of in own programs
Yours, GLAME-Team.
-- Richard Guenther <> WWW: The GLAME Project:
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