Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA extension mechanism *proposal*
From: David Olofson (
Date: Sun Apr 15 2001 - 12:02:10 EEST
On Wednesday 04 April 2001 23:51, Steve Harris wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 03:26:23PM +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:
> > Hum, one plus here; in fact I like your scheme. It doesn't break
> > anything (except the size of the struct (recompile) and it allows
> > for `limitless' extension.
> >
> > OpenGL -- an extremely successful and well though out API
> > *relies* on a string-based extension system to allow for takes
> > advatage of features while not breaking other stuff.
> I have nothing against the scheme per se, I just don't think it
> belongs in LADSPA. MAIA has support for all kinds of things like
> that IIRC.
Actually, most of it belongs in optional Protocols - which are pretty
similar to OpenGL extensions, except that they aren't supposed to
ever end up in the compulsory core set of Protocols. (The idea is to
keep these Protocols on a higher level than the basic plugin/host
interaction, so that the implementation of those Protocols can be
moved out into "helper plugins" that could be reused.)
Now, I'm only beginning to run actual MAIA "plugins", so there's
probably some more "moving things around" to do before it's time for
an initial release of the API. I need to look at some actual plugin
code before I can sort out where some things really belong. (Trying
to get a good API complexity/flexibility ratio.)
.- M A I A -------------------------------------------------.
| Multimedia Application Integration Architecture |
| A Free/Open Source Plugin API for Professional Multimedia |
`----------------------> -'
.- David Olofson -------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker - Open Source Advocate - Singer - Songwriter |
`--------------------------------------> -'
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