Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] WMA files
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 20:49:55 EEST
In short: stay away from proprietary formats, especially if they belong to
BTW: did you hear that M$ wants to slowly kill MP3 on upcoming windows
versions ? (of course they want to promote Microsoft media formats so that
they can lock down the market and convince record companies to use M$ formats
because they will have digital rights management features so that music piracy
will finally end)
Poor future windows users: their box will not be a general purpose computing
device anymore: it will be a device where M$/RIAA/MPAA decide what you can do.
But I guess people hanging around on this mailinglist will not be THAT affected.
On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> >I'm looking for linux WMA player/converter (to more useful format for e.g. WAV
> WMA is a proprietary format. MS have not released specs on the
> format. Ergo, no open source solution exists, and MS have not written
> their own.
> --p
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