Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ot] rawmidi && alsa
From: Knos (
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 10:06:16 EEST
sorry for being offtopic,
does midi / rawmidi devices work _at all_ with the current alsa-cvs?
i always get returned EBUSY on my setup, I thought it may be some
misconfiguration of my own or some specific driver problem,
but I posted on alsa-dev and i've seen other posts and bug reports
about this problem not beeing answered.
It may of course be an example of collective sillyness, but knowing
if the problem comes from me or the alsa drivers would help a lot..
so i'd be happy to know if any of you manages to get access to the
rawmidi devices with current alsa(s)..
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