Subject: [linux-audio-dev] where to get Tropez Plus help?
From: Daniel James (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 17:13:42 EEST
Hello all,
I've been trying to set up a Linux box for some serious audio work.
On the subject of building quiet hardware for studio use (my Athlon
machine with four fans currently sounds like a vacuum cleaner), I've
found some good pages at and
However, I've reached a dead end as far as configuring my TB Tropez
Plus soundcard under Linux goes. It works for audio and basic midi
playback, but it won't record audio.
I posted to the list like any good Linux
user should - but it looks like I'm the only member of the list left.
I emailed the maintainer of the driver according to the kernel
source, Paul Barton-Davis <>, but the address seems to
bounce. Is it just that all you Linux audio experts are fed up of
answering questions from people who don't understand how to write
device drivers? :)
If anyone could offer me any pointers, I'd appreciate it - details of
my setup are below. I have read the documentation and everything else
I can find on the subject, and have already failed to compile ALSA in
case you're wondering...
Daniel James
News + Web Editor
LinuxUser magazine
I'm using a Turtle Beach Tropez Plus set up via isapnp.conf and
sndconfig on a Mandrake 7.2 machine which works fine for playback,
but won't record audio. I just get noise on the file when trying to
record with Broadcast 2000.
If I try this test:
dd bs=8k count=4 </dev/audio>
I get:
dd: standard input: Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
cat /dev/sndstat shows:
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux server 2.2.17-21mdksecure #1 SMP Thu Oct 5 12:52:38
CEST 2000 i686Config options: 0
Installed drivers:
Card config:
Audio devices:
0: Crystal audio controller (CS4232) (DUPLEX)
Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL3
Midi devices:
0: System clock
1: Crystal audio controller (CS4232)
0: Crystal audio controller (CS4232)
lsmod shows:
Module Size Used by
8139too 12544 1 (autoclean)
opl3 11376 1
cs4232 2960 1
ad1848 16976 1 [cs4232]
uart401 6480 1 [cs4232]
sound 60256 0 [opl3 cs4232 ad1848 uart401]
soundlow 464 0 [sound]
soundcore 3184 5 [sound]
reiserfs 129072 2
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