Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA - how are we doing ?
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 17:18:09 EEST
>much by trying to cater for too many varied hosts. For example Paul
>wants SMPTE time-code in there, which has very interesting
actually, I've changed my mind about this. because SMPTE time requires
knowing the SMPTE frames/second setting, I don't want SMPTE time
around. However, we do still need (IMHO) what AES called "frame time"
- a function pointer, in essence, to tell us what the current
frame-time-supplier thinks is the current audio frame. In Ardour, for
example, we ask AES to use a Session as the time source; then, as we
move around within the Session using transport controls, the Session
object can always supply the current frame time. This way, the AES can
tell any other plugins what time it is, should they need it (a good
example would be trying to sync a MIDI sequencer and an audio playback
system like ardour.
>My idea is a small C-coded server, which comes with a simple
>command-line or text-mode tool for adjusting the connections between
I am adamantly opposed to this. I don't want the server involved in
"connections" - I don't think there are any connections!
>They're either connected or they're not.
OK, they're not :)
>> If two plugins are assigned to the same bus channel, and they are
>> added in the right order, you could say they are in a sense
>> connected (they process the same data).
>If one's reading and the other is writing, then they're passing data
>from one to the other, which is what I meant by a `connection'.
But thats not something that the server "manages". Its only role
w.r.t. connections is to allow a plugin to determine which channels
exist, and to respond when the plugin makes a request/release
call. Its up to the plugin to offer a mechanism for the user to
"connect" things in specific ways. This mechanism will presumably be
in keeping with the general UI model of the plugin, rather than the
one dictated by a server UI.
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