Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] OffTopic: LAD logo
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 13:27:02 EEST
Hi all,
Jörn wrote:
> to keep the logo contest going, *and* to meet the deadline for
> LinuxTag, i humbly suggest the following:
> * last date for the submission of new logos is may 14.
> by that time all logos need to be in final form, that is, rendered
> and touched up.
> if at all possible, there should be one really large version for
> banners and stuff, one web logo version and one in button format.
> * voting time is may 15/16/17 and will take place on the list. i
> will post a CFV next monday night, to which you can reply to make
> your vote.
> * logo can be sent off on may 18, so there's two days left before
> the deadline.
> (hey, i've just released my first roadmap to the public. what a
> feeling. now i know why the silicon guys keep doing this again and
> again every few weeks >:-> )
Thanks for stepping forward here, Jörn. I could have done this myself,
but I probably shouldn't, being a participant :-).
The only thing that has never been discussed here is if we really need a
(new) logo. I had said my opinion, but noone really commented on that -
does silence mean agreement?
> right now, we have drafts from maarten, steve and frank at
..And please don't forget the current logo from Maarten, available at
your friendly LAD site, e.g.
I believe keeping the current logo should also be a possible choice.
-- Frank Neumann (, VIONA Development Center ST Microelectronics, Karlstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe
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