Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] OffTopic: LAD logo
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 12:01:34 EEST
to keep the logo contest going, *and* to meet the deadline for
LinuxTag, i humbly suggest the following:
* last date for the submission of new logos is may 14.
by that time all logos need to be in final form, that is, rendered
and touched up.
if at all possible, there should be one really large version for
banners and stuff, one web logo version and one in button format.
* voting time is may 15/16/17 and will take place on the list. i
will post a CFV next monday night, to which you can reply to make
your vote.
* logo can be sent off on may 18, so there's two days left before
the deadline.
(hey, i've just released my first roadmap to the public. what a
feeling. now i know why the silicon guys keep doing this again and
again every few weeks >:-> )
as ever, if you approve of this, ignore it, if not, speak up.
right now, we have drafts from maarten, steve and frank at
all the best,
Frank Neumann wrote:
> Hi *,
> something a bit lighter than the out-of-process vs. in-process plugin
> discussion :-)
> As many of you might know, we're going to have a free booth at the
> LinuxTag 2001 in Stuttgart, Germany, from July 5th to 8th 2001, where
> we'll try to present all aspects of doing music&stuff with Linux.
> Today I was informed that a magazine which sponsors the show is going to
> print a special edition which will list all exhibitors of the fair. They
> are asking for logos from all participating software groups or projects.
> Now, I don't want to step on anyone's toes here (especially not Maarten
> de Boers', who seems to have designed the current LAD logo), but I think
> we need something more "sexy" than the current logo (which is not really
> a logo, strictly speaking). So, I'd just like to start a discussion
> about this, and check out if you agree with me here. If so, I'd invite
> people to come up with something of their own and send it to me, and
> I'll put up a web page with the suggestions, so we could vote for one.
> This logo could then also be used e.g. on other web sites which feel
> like they're part of the "LAD community", and it will probably also be
> printed on a banner to be used as a crowd-attractor at the LinuxTag.
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier home://Kurfürstenstr.49.45138.Essen.Germany phone://+49.201.491621
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