Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: costs of IPC
From: Jay Ts (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 15:42:16 EEST
Abramo wrote:
> That apart, my current conclusion is that multiprocess approach is
> definitely interesting and we need to design an architecture that works
> fine with both approaches. Period.
Abramo, I'm wondering about something. Maybe you've told us this
before, but if so, I've skimmed over it. Can you tell us, in 200
words or less, why you feel that a multiprocess approach is so
vital to support? That is, what do you want to do that would require
it, and would not be possible with the single process (minimized/no
IPC or context switching) approach?
I may be developing my own reasons, but I want to hear yours first. :)
- Jay Ts
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