Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] One API for everything (first draft)
From: Karl MacMillan (
Date: Sat May 19 2001 - 23:39:00 EEST
> Note that soundbox don't need to be able to handle INT32 or INT16: if it
> does not support them a different soundbox_port_set_property from that
> above would fail.
So if you tried to connect a soundbox that can't handle INT32 to another
that only supports INT32 what happens? It either a) fails or b) some
conversion is made. Either is bad.
> Really, I can't understand what do you have against a flexibility that
> has no cost.
Complexity (or as you want to describe it flexibility) always has a cost.
> --
> Abramo Bagnara
> Opera Unica Phone: +39.546.656023
> Via Emilia Interna, 140
> 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy
> ALSA project
> It sounds good!
| Karl W. MacMillan |
| Computer Music Department |
| Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University |
| |
| |
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