Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] One API for everything (first draft)
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Sun May 20 2001 - 14:38:15 EEST
On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 08:37:49AM +0200, Abramo Bagnara wrote:
> > #define SOUNDBOX_PORT_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SHAPE /* interleaved, noninterleaved,
> > complex */
> >
> > if a hardware PCM "component" exports this kind of stuff, we're in no
> > better shape than using ALSA when it comes to abstraction.
> If I don't export it, you lose efficiency is this what you want?
> Really, but what's the problem to have a property to communicate with
> soundbox that you *want* non interleaved buffers.
I don't like hte idea that somones code won't work in a given position
because it doesn't support one kind of buffer, I like the idea of implicit
conversion or multiple inner loops even less however.
- Steve
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