Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] matrix model vs. memory
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun May 20 2001 - 15:07:45 EEST
>> >My proposal is to allow buffer sharing (like in my soundbox_port_link)
>> >and to have two helper functions for not sharing case.
>> >1) for each in_ch: out[dest[in_ch]] = in[in_ch]*gain[in_ch]
>> >
>> >2) for each out_ch: out[out_ch] = sum in[in_ch]*gain[in_ch,out_ch]
>> > for each in_ch
>> and please tell me where gain[] comes from?
>If you want it static: from an ordinary array.
>If you want it dynamic and presented to user: using an array exported
>via my soundpanel API.
>What's the problem? ;-)
You've just suggested the very concept I've been arguing for. In your
first comment about it, it was done as a plugin. you've now suggested
that it be available for two helper functions that form the core of
the system.
See my point? :)
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