Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] more fundamental questions
From: Tom Pincince (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 20:58:13 EEST
> > A few more items to ease your digestive processes :)
> I don't understand where this discussion is going...
> It seems to me that to focus on implementation before to have defined an
> external design and to have made the needed political choices is rather
> sick and IMHO a waste of time.
> Probably I'm only a voice outside the chorus, the usual boring broken
> record... who knows... I'm a bit discouraged :-(
If you are discouraged, then I would like to take a moment to
re-encourage you.
When I am writing, I regularly find that an idea will spontaneously pop
into my head that has nothing to do with the details that I am currently
working on, but I know that it will be relevant in some other section of
the document. I scroll to the end of the document and type some simple
description of the idea, just enough to help me remember. Then I return
to what I was doing. The end of my documents-in-progress become a pool
of vaguely defined ideas that I pull from when I am ready to move on to
the next major section of the document. It's non-linear and, to me,
very relaxing.
Paul's injection of more concepts seems to resemble this process. He
did start a new thread, so there really is no interference with the more
established discussions.
Another thing to consider is that this is a very complex issue and there
are many participants on lad who either don't have the time or the
coding skills necessary to guide this project to its final state, but
who do have sincere interest, may have the skills necessary to
contribute to specific parts, and offer insights whenever possible.
When Paul offers us more questions to consider, I see this as a friendly
Lad has a distinctly different rhythm to it than alsa-devel, it's more
like a three ring circus. I occasionally throw in all sorts of goofy
things like floating point a/d conversion techniques and asking Paul if
he plans to evolve ardour into a monolithic or a modular daw (hmmm).
If you are one of the few individuals who has both the time and skill to
guide an audio project all the way to the final details, then my advice
is to remain focused on the thread(s) that make sense to you and let the
rest go, unless you find yourself in the mood for a friendly diversion.
Well, this is the end of my friendly diversion.
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