Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] more fundamental questions
From: Abramo Bagnara (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 17:05:52 EEST
Paul Davis wrote:
> >Nope, I've already thought about this:
> >- a well written API is organized in layers (and then we can have use an
> >IDL on top of my API). This is the reason why I prefer to have a minimal
> >API now.
> The way I read this Abramo, it feels as if you haven't used an IDL. An
> IDL allows you to define new types and operations on those types, as
> well as functions to carry out those operations by via direct function
> call and RPC. Because soundbox_control_property_value_t is a fixed
> type (no matter how flexible), I don't see it can be used "below" an
> IDL. IDL's typically convert the (binary) data types into bytestreams
> when they are moved across an RPC boundary.
IDL (Interface Definition Language) may be used to define methods to
manipulate specific controls. What I meant is that code generated by IDL
compiler may call lower layer methods (soundbox_control_property_
{set,get,query}). In this way we don't lose access to fastest way.
It's more clear now?
> >- nothing prevent soundbox_control_property_value_t to accept structured
> >type
> I don't understand this. The only way I can see to do this is by
> specifying a property as:
> void *ptr;
> size_t size;
> which seems to negate the entire point of "properties" to begin with.
Property ID specify how to interpret data inside
soundbox_control_property_value_t (that's probably it's an union with a
last resort fallback as you've written above).
-- Abramo Bagnara mailto:abramo_AT_alsa-project.orgOpera Unica Phone: +39.546.656023 Via Emilia Interna, 140 48014 Castel Bolognese (RA) - Italy
ALSA project It sounds good!
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