Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 20:57:09 EEST
>Hmmm... while packets can arrive out of order, I would guess that
>they rarely do under any reasonable circumstances. Maybe something
>like a variable-length incoming packet buffer to stuff the packets
>into as they arrive; if packets don't arrive in time to be played the
>receiver interpolates, if late packets start arriving the system
>introduces a latency to reduce their effect? (I did follow the
>earlier discussion about maximum allowable latencies, and I realize
>that this scheme would quickly get considered unacceptable if the
>network got busy. But it would provide graceful degradation...).
I agree ! I think the interpolating option would do nice
(building in redundancy at samplelevel, could halve your samplerate, if
you would introduce each sample twide eg.)
When a packet is lost, you just interpolate it.
In a month or so, I will have more time to play with it. Keep those
ideas coming :)
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