Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Low Latency Kernel Combos
From: Darwin Marcus Johnson (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 23:00:35 EEST
Hello all,
I have been trying to compile a Low Latency 2.4.4 Kernel on
Mandrake 8.0 for the past few days with not much success. In poking around on
the web it seems that the compiler on Mandrake is 2.96 and I need to compile
with kgcc which is listed as egcs-2.91.66. I have also heard things not being
all the way right with glibc2.2.2.. I have also seen reports of trouble with
I basically want to know what are people running successfully on this
list in the way of Low Latency Kernels. I am having a lot of trouble and
maybe there are just too many edges to bleed on with my present combo. I
would like to know ...
0. What distributions are you running?
1. What Low Latency Kernels are people running?
2. What did they compile them with?
3. What glibc is this with?
4. What ALSA won't burn you too bad?(I don't use an RME interface)
5. When will DeMuDi begin to emerge from the vapor for testing?
My Config?
Mandrake 8.0
Linux 2.4.3
gcc 2.9.6
kgcc / egcs-2.91.66
No ALSA yet
any comments appreciated.
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