Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Low Latency Kernel Combos
From: brian redfern (
Date: Sat May 26 2001 - 00:35:20 EEST
I'm running low latency with suse linux 7.1 and the
2.1.18 kernel, and its nice, I can use terminatorX
with full scrtahcing on a puny 233mghz machine.
--- Darwin Marcus Johnson <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been trying to compile a Low Latency
> 2.4.4 Kernel on
> Mandrake 8.0 for the past few days with not much
> success. In poking around on
> the web it seems that the compiler on Mandrake is
> 2.96 and I need to compile
> with kgcc which is listed as egcs-2.91.66. I have
> also heard things not being
> all the way right with glibc2.2.2.. I have also seen
> reports of trouble with
> I basically want to know what are people
> running successfully on this
> list in the way of Low Latency Kernels. I am having
> a lot of trouble and
> maybe there are just too many edges to bleed on with
> my present combo. I
> would like to know ...
> 0. What distributions are you running?
> 1. What Low Latency Kernels are people running?
> 2. What did they compile them with?
> 3. What glibc is this with?
> 4. What ALSA won't burn you too bad?(I don't use an
> RME interface)
> 5. When will DeMuDi begin to emerge from the vapor
> for testing?
> My Config?
> Mandrake 8.0
> Linux 2.4.3
> gcc 2.9.6
> kgcc / egcs-2.91.66
> glibc-2.2.2-4mdk
> No ALSA yet
> any comments appreciated.
> -Darwin
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Brian W. Redfern
Have a nice day :=)
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