Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Peter Hanappe (
Date: Sun May 27 2001 - 02:12:45 EEST
> What about using UDP instead of TCP/IP? I don't know a whole lot about
> networking, but I do know that jMax uses UDP for interprocess
> communication, and I know some people who have experimented with audio
> over UDP for real-time work.
jMax actually includes a UDP audio device. It's the audpdev package.
It seems that the package in not in sync with the latest jMax version
so I haven't tested it. It has both a sender and a receiver side so
you can send an audio stream over UDP between two jMax machines. I think
it was designed for minumum latency and each packet has a header so they
can be kept in the right order.
-- Peter Hanappe
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