Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] developers and development: some thoughts
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: Sun May 27 2001 - 00:38:24 EEST
Frank Barknecht wrote:
> I think, that a linux audio user list (LAU?) would be the most important
> next step. Unfortunatly linux-audio-using still means, that one has to be
> familiar with too much development issues. The reason is obvious: a lot of
> the interesting audio software still is in heavy development (pbd's stuff,
> ALSA, you name it...) So the first step is to compile everything. At this you
> can get help in the various mailing lists, but if it comes to producing
> some sound, there is no general mailing list that can help. LAD is IMO not
> the place for this, but it is the only one :-(
I agree with all of the above. I wonder how much traffic there
would be, and what sort of community might develop. I've been on
the linart ( mailing list for years; linux audio
is on-topic there, and the list is almost always quiet as a
With all that said, if there's a linux-audio-user list, I will
of course subscribe. Many of my posts here would have been more
appropriate on an l.a.u. list.
So consider this votes++ for linux-audio-user.
Good name, too; easy to remember, and unambiguous.
BTW, if someone (jorn & douglas?) gets this started, can we
please have it archived somewhere from day 1? Might as well get
it right from the beginning. I now finally have a server where
I can park such things, if that helps. I've registered and it's not doing anything useful at the
moment (it points to the same place as I'm
planning on putting the long-promised next generation of the
AudioQualityHOWTO project up there, if I ever get around to it
... a BIG project. It won't be a HOWTO at all, it'll be an
interactive knowledge-base type of thing. Maybe wiki.
-- ................... paul winkler .................... custom calendars & printing: A member of ARMS: home page:
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