Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] developers and development: some thoughts
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Sun May 27 2001 - 13:55:41 EEST
Paul Winkler wrote:
> Frank Barknecht wrote:
> > I think, that a linux audio user list (LAU?) would be the most important
> > next step. Unfortunatly linux-audio-using still means, that one has to be
> > familiar with too much development issues. The reason is obvious: a lot of
> > the interesting audio software still is in heavy development (pbd's stuff,
> > ALSA, you name it...) So the first step is to compile everything. At this you
> > can get help in the various mailing lists, but if it comes to producing
> > some sound, there is no general mailing list that can help. LAD is IMO not
> > the place for this, but it is the only one :-(
> I agree with all of the above. I wonder how much traffic there
> would be, and what sort of community might develop. I've been on
> the linart ( mailing list for years; linux audio
> is on-topic there, and the list is almost always quiet as a
> tomb.
well, the deal for developers is:
you want a quiet, high-level technical list to yourselves, you go
subscribe to the user list as well and listen to the common man
there :)
> BTW, if someone (jorn & douglas?) gets this started, can we
> please have it archived somewhere from day 1? Might as well get
> it right from the beginning. I now finally have a server where
> I can park such things, if that helps. I've registered
> and it's not doing anything useful at the
> moment (it points to the same place as
yes, an archive is a must. but instead of setting up a new archive,
why not ask kai to add it to ?
he has all the htdig stuff running already, and you'd need to set it
up from scratch.
> I'm
> planning on putting the long-promised next generation of the
> AudioQualityHOWTO project up there, if I ever get around to it
> ... a BIG project. It won't be a HOWTO at all, it'll be an
> interactive knowledge-base type of thing. Maybe wiki.
did you try faq-o-matic ? looks promising, too.
but this database stuff can be hard. i've been playing with NOPE for
a while on my devel box (to eventually spiff up the lad news page),
but getting an SQL setup watertight is definitely non-trivial.
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier home://Kurfürstenstr.49.45138.Essen.Germany phone://+49.201.491621
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