Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LinuxTag 2001
From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 14:50:14 EEST
Alexander Ehlert wrote:
> talking for the glame team, richi, daniel and me like to come to
> the Linuxtag 2001 as well and present glame. As our major forces
> are currently located in Tuebingen it would be nice to team up on
> the LAD booth? If necessary/possible I could bring my own computer?
> Daniel might bring his powerbook and I have another laptop available
> Besides that (if I find someone with a car) I could bring some audio
> hardware like a guitar amp and certainly a guitar to demonstrate
> realtime guitar effects with linux&glame.
I think this is definitely a good idea and should also be possible to
do; the only problem I have right now is that I still do not know the
dimensions of the booth. I just sent out our "space requirements" to
Martin Schulze yesterday (organizer of the free booths), and I asked him
for enough space for 2 "full" demo stations (PC plus keyboard, speakers,
rack, mixer), and probably space/network connectivity for an extra
notebook. Now I have to wait for his answer to see how much space we'll
actually get, and how to lay out the demo stations. I'll put you into
the list of "helpers" and let you know when I know more details.
By the way, the list of helpers is now in the range of 10..I guess that
should suffice for these 4 days. Anyway, in a few days I'll ask all
people on my list for a confirmation that they can actually come. Has
anyone heard of Robert Schrem lately? I tried to mail him one week ago,
but got no answer yet..
So, please have a little more patience,
PS: I heard we might have to get a "GEMA license" (organisation
protecting the rights of music producers in Germany) if we want to make
"public" music (like playing MIDI files of copyrighted songs). Anyone
got experience with how to do this? How much would it cost?
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