Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Reading a wave file in blocks
From: Remco Poelstra (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 00:00:01 EEST
On wo, 30 mei 2001 18:23:47 Paul Davis wrote:
> Use libsndfile instead, and stop worrying about it :)
That some part of what I was asking for. Stupid of me to try to implement
it again.
One thing that is still in my mind.
The arrays returned by the readf functions are interleaved data (I think).
If I make an array like: short data[4][20] and let libsndfile read 20
frames of 4 channel data. Will I then automatically have 4 arrays of data,
all containing one channel of data?
Or is that not desirable (I'm not very experienced with audio data, but
under pascal I always used an array of the structures described in my
previous mail, since I had only stereo data. I was quite happy with the
result. Now I'm using C, I want to get to a higher level of audio
Remco Poelstra
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