Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD website based on PHPNuke and mailinglist proposals ...
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 20:11:29 EEST
Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> hmm. not sure.
> i don't like huge masses of tiny slashdot-style articles on a site.
> not very readable.
> yes for news, yes for announcements, yes for short users' comments
> if they make sense, but discussions and q&a should stay on the
> mailing list.
that's obvious.
I was only meaning using a forum (which is not on the frontpage) in addition to
the mailinglist.
But no one is forced to use a forum.
> when something important comes up, people can summarize and that can
> go on the site.
Yes this should be published on the front page in form of a news item.
Assume that someone is interested in low latency kernels.
He clicks on the lowlatency topic and gets all news related to this suject.
Easier than that ?
> i'd rather write a faq by hand than have a load of unsorted little
> tidbits with scattered pieces of information. that's what the list
> archive is for.
Of course but when did I say "a load of unsorted little tidbits" ??
You are worrying about too much infos on the news section ?
I guess when we will be able to publish a couple of news per week, people will be
more than happy.
BTW: PHPNuke has a builtin faq section where you can add/del items and categories
If you do not like it , then you can always resort to a static page.
> the greatest benefit i see is that we can offer all members a little
> place to write about themselves, what they do wrt to linux audio,
> what kind of music they make and what their interests are. must be
> searchable by name, keyword and project names.
You mean a collection of application using a freshmeat-like DB ?
That would be nice but I have currently not the time to implement such a beast.
If you meant something other , let me know.
> well, i understand what nope does. haven't looked at your hacks,
> though...
> but then it's your box. let the world root it, fine with me :)
> >
> > Ok the phpnuke for lad is up and you (Joern) have already the admin login in
> > your mailbox.
> > :-)
> have glanced at it briefly. need to play more.
> pages are huge. 11k of candy with zero content. :(
> but then, i don't want to be called a bit-fiddler, and the lines get
> faster every year, so what the heck, i have dsl. modem users yell
> now.
Ah I see why nitpicker is you middle name .. :-)
I'm accessing the site from a 56K modem and It works just fine.
Slashdot is certainly much much heavier to load especially when you open those
pages with
1000 comments on it. :-)
> > As for the colors of the titlebars etc , it's all configurable.
> > Any proposals folks ?
> > (please in #RRGGBB format :-) )
> my suggestion is: take the color palette from the logo. (and make it
> work and look good somehow, that's the hard part :)
I will ask the graphician of the web firm I work for.
He designed the logo too.
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