Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] HowTo on DSP programming framework needed?
From: Stefan Kost (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 15:13:10 EEST
Hi Martin,
Do it. It would be great.
> I am trying to determine if I should work on writing a HowTo "Linux
> Audio DSP Research and Development". I believe that my current situation
> at work is generic enough that other people will benefit from learning
> about my solutions. I am still sorting through all the information and
> projects on the web. It turns out to be quiet a challenge to determine
> the best libraries and frameworks for this kind of work. But before I
> invest time in the formal HowTo, I would like to ask if anybody knows
> about a similar document that I might have missed and how much people
> value such a new document.
> I am thinking of covering the following topics:
> 1.) Support for initial research and development: Octave, SciLab ...
> 2.) Few Linux programming basics and selection of links (POSIX threads,
> command line interface libraries, Makefile/compilers)
> 3.) Basic audio I/O and plugin architectures (ALSA, portaudio, file IO
> libraries, LADSPA, JACK)
Don't forget to crosslink with the tutorials Paul Davis and Dr. Matthias
Nagorni have written.
> 4.) Graphical libraries to generate realtime plots
> 5.) Optimized math (LAPACK++, ... )+ DSP libraries (sonicflow, libDSP,
> SndObj, SPKit, ...)
> 6.) GUI libraries (Gtk, QT, Fltk, wxWindows)
This would probably be a bit beyond. Maybe evaluation about how suited they
are would be good. You know, whter they have (custom) controls which audio-apps
usually need (like vector-curve, range-contol, popup-sliders, waveform-display).
-- \|/ <@ @> Stefan Kost private business +-oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - | __ Address Zwenkauer Str. 24 HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 300066 | /// 04277 Leipzig 04277 Leipzig | __ /// Germany Germany | \\\/// Phone +49341 3910483 +49341 30766101 | \__/ EMail | WWW ===-=-=--=---=---------------------------------- - - - - -
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