RE: [linux-audio-dev] OT: Electronic advice for PC.

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Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] OT: Electronic advice for PC.
From: Patrick Shirkey (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 17:01:43 EEST

> You must make sure that not only does your supply provide the peak current
>needed, it must also respond fast enough to current changes and the
>resulting dI/dT induced voltage swings must be restrained by appropriate >decoupling.

I'm hoping that by making the specs public people like you can/will give feedback.

>If you get this part wrong, you probably won't notice it until you've shipped
>enough machines that somebody out there ran some software that drove the CPU
>through a big enough current swing to droop your supply and cause a

Does the GPL apply here ;)

>It takes major engineering talent to identify and resolve this if it


>The best advice you got so far is to dissect a laptop and do what they do.
>Even better, hire yourself a consultant who knows this area, and she can keep >you out of trouble.

I'm hoping that enough people will be interested in this project that it can be considered Open source.

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
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