Subject: [linux-audio-dev] greenbox
From: Josef Lindman Hörnlund (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 05:39:14 EEST
I've mailed Daniel Venkitachalam ( ) but get bounced,
there's no longer a user with that name there.
I've been improving greenbox a bit and would like to hear from him, so if
anyone of you have a newer email adress I would be happy if you could share
// Jotsif
-- #ifndef _SIGNATURE_H #define _SIGNATURE_H 1#define ICQ_UIN "24316003" #define OS "Linux 2.4.17-jl11-ll" #define WM "KDE3.0 with liquid-0.9.4" #define EMAIL "" #define MOTD "Als wär's das letzte mal"
#endif /* _SIGNATURE_H */
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