Subject: Re: Re[4]: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: Rosegarden-4 v0.1.5 released
From: Richard Bown (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 01:45:08 EEST
Rick Burnett wrote:
> Linux is not an operating system for simple users.
Can I pin this one on the wall?
> It requires you to actually *think* about what you need to do.
So _Linux_ is the one being elitist now is it?
> Every assumption you make takes away the freedoms that linux gives you.
> Linux audio development to me is working towards a future system that
> is tightly integrated, highly flexible, and extremely powerful. LAD
> contains many pioneering people working together to build a framework
> at a lower level to integrate things in a way not attained before. If
> everyone works together to faciliate a powerful framework and an open
> system, in the end you will have a working environement other OS's can
> only dream of.
You don't work in management do you?
No, sorry, that was a cheap shot. I agree that the fine people of
LAD/ALSA/aRts and OSS/Voxware/Forefront before them all aspire to
a very worthy dream and I'd hope that in some small way that we all
contribute towards making it a reality. Amen.
My dream is, however, slightly smaller scale. I want to compose music
on my Linux machine. I'd like to be recording music on it by the end
of the summer. Up until now I haven't found a Linux sequencer that's
stable enough and has the right mix of functionality for my tastes.
I can realise this dream with some patience and some luck and the
love of a lot of some friends and some complete strangers from all around
the world who've decided to write some great software for me to use.
We're all part of the same team, we all want the best for free software
and we'll all help each other and help "the cause" whenever possible -
even when we're just having the same old arguments over and over again.
> Now, don't get me wrong, when I get my new linux machine built I will
> be trying out your software :) Just because I don't agree with your
> library choices doesn't mean I won't try it out and use it :)
Well, I'm glad to hear that my politics don't preclude you from trying
us out.
> RB> Is it better having some software that works on a subsection of computers
> RB> than none that works on lots?
> No. Not in my opinion. To me it is better to have software that
> works for the majority of users than a minority. If I felt as you do,
> I would just use windows.
Well. What can I say? If I felt as you do I probably would've gone
out and damn well bought myself that Bebox.
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